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All About Epoxy Flooring

Finding a floor treatment solution that is long-lasting while being resistant to chemical spills and stains can be difficult. Nearly every type of flooring has some kind of disadvantage or advantage over the other. Epoxy flooring offers fewer drawbacks and more benefits than other types of flooring solutions. If you are looking to apply a commercial flooring solution for facilities in Coral Springs, epoxy flooring is a popular choice. Here is what epoxy flooring can provide to your industrial or commercial property.
What is Epoxy Flooring?
Epoxy is a material that acts as a sealant for a concrete substrate. Epoxy coatings can be applied on floors in commercial buildings, hospitals, laboratories, retail stores, hospitality, and much more. Residential homeowners also use epoxy flooring for garage floors too. The reason for the popularity of epoxy flooring is the versatility it provides. As compared to a non-treated floor, epoxy treatment offers a bright surface and professional look. Epoxy flooring offers practical advantages that other floor coatings do not provide.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Industrial floors gather dust, debris, and experience their fair shares of spills. Without applying floor treatments or coating solutions, the floor surface can become damaged, which makes working on that surface difficult, and it can pose a potential safety risk. Treating your industrial flooring with epoxy not only helps protect your floor, but it makes it easier to clean and maintain. With a seamless surface, commercial flooring can be cleaned of dust, debris, and dirt easily, keeping the appearance of your floor pristine.
Accidents happen and messes typically end up on the floor. Accidental dropping of chemicals can damage the floor of your building or facility. Applying an epoxy coat can increase your floor’s resistance to liquid spills. Epoxy floors are highly resistant to nearly every type of liquid such as oil, gasoline, common chemicals, and much more. For industries that store or handle chemicals and liquids such as laboratories, food and beverage plants, and hospitals, it is important to work on a surface that will not become damaged.
Strength and Durability
Industries that have areas of high foot traffic, or handle shipments that are heavy in weight, know how quickly an untreated floor can become damaged. Not only will the surface start to fade, but accidental dropping can crack the floor. Epoxy flooring helps protect your commercial flooring by properly sealing it. This helps prevent cracks in the flooring and wear from areas with heavy foot traffic. The level of durability that epoxy flooring can provide is ideal for facilities that have a warehouse, or shipping center.
Floors are areas that can be overlooked in regards to safety. While a floor’s primary function is to provide a smooth surface for people to walk on, it’s important to protect the floor as it can cause safety issues in the future. For example, floors that are damaged or have liquid on them can result in an accident at the workplace. Epoxy flooring is a great way to preserve the safety of your commercial property’s floor as it provides a bright and smooth surface. Floors with an epoxy coat can be painted on, highlighting areas for walkways and restricted sections. This helps ensure workplace safety and OSHA compliance.
There are numerous industries in Coral Springs that can benefit from epoxy flooring. Not only will your floor look clean and professional, but epoxy is long-lasting, keeping your investment protected. Seal Well is the industrial floor expert with years of knowledge and experience. We have treated floors in a variety of industries such as pharmaceutical, hospitality, retail, warehouse and more. Contact us for a quote on your Coral Springs facility today at (877) 530-2633.