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What are some best-value industrial flooring options?

Choosing a best-value option from numerous flooring options for industrial flooring is one of the toughest tasks. There are plenty of options available among commercial flooring for industrial marketing. Here, we can help you to decide which flooring you should go for. But, before deciding which industrial flooring you should choose, you must know about the durability, cost or maintenance requirements and benefits. This will help you to choose the perfect flooring material for your industrial space.

Best Options For Industrial Flooring

Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy flooring is best suited for commercial venues with heavy traffic like salons, hotels, offices etc because of its good appearance and durability. It has number of benefits that can be similar to the list of your desired flooring. Here are some benefits of epoxy flooring discussed below:


Epoxy flooring is available with different stains & color options with more variety of gloss levels.


The floor cleaning is very easy and manageable because it is resistant to chemicals, dirt, liquids and other impurities. This is why; epoxy flooring does not need much maintenance other than standard cleaning which makes it a great long-term value option.


Epoxy floors are resistant to the abrasion and chemical-resistant material which makes it best suited for heavy traffic flooring. Work load vary from foot traffic to truck and forklift traffic.


This flooring needs a professional commercial flooring contractor. Improper installation can cause the coating to prematurely chip and peel. The substrate for epoxy flooring must be prepared in a very professional manner before any floor coating. Installation duration depends upon the thickness and size of the space.


Cost for the floor installation depends upon the size, design and layout. The maintenance cost of epoxy flooring is very less because of its longevity and durability.


Epoxy flooring is counted among most versatile flooring options. It is great for industrial, commercial, correctional, medical, food manufacturing, healthcare, manufacturing, brewery, and warehouse, grocery and retails markets.

Polished Flooring

In polished concrete system, the concrete is grinded to get the desired size and finish. More grinding leads to more aggregate exposed and more polishing results to more shinier surface. Polishing the concrete floor can minimize the imperfections and cracks which makes the surface incredibly smooth. Low odor, non-toxic densifiers and sealants makes it a sustainable flooring option.


There are variety of colors and designs with a variety of gloss levels as well. You can choose customized colors and designs to create a unique floor option.


Just like epoxy floors, it also does not need any tough cleaning. It is a low-maintenance option as it only requires an occasional damp mopping. There is no need for additional labor or material for maintenance like other floor systems.


Polished concrete flooring very resistant to high foot traffic and forklift traffic. It is resistant to oil or chemical spills. It is best suited if you are looking for a chemical resistant floor.


It is estimated that a 5,000 square-foot to 15,000 square-foot installation typically takes a week or less. Other factor includes the condition of the concrete slab.



Using the substrate as the finished floor surface reduces the cost of materials, making the installation process a large part of the cost. Cost depends upon the size, the condition of the concrete substrate and the design. Maintenance cost is less as it has high longevity and durability.


Polished concrete flooring is very versatile as it is a great option for industrial, retail, hotels, restaurants, offices, warehouses and auto service areas.
You can choose any of these two flooring options for your industrial space. You must choose the flooring according to your need to gain the high benefits of floor installation. To learn more about finding the right flooring, you can call us at 844-443-2844 or visit our site,

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